Thanks for putting your wishlist out there!!!

I’m a believer.

It should have been the Yankees, but β€” yay, Lauren!

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“Of Things Lost”

Season 3; episode 4

Preface: There is a theme to this recap. It begins with the letter β€œh” and ends with the letter β€œr” and has an β€œai” in the middle and a β€œwtf” after. Longtime readers will know the extent to which I am hair-obsessed. I am so hair-obsessed that bad hair completely distracts me from the story, the acting, the scenery, the underlying message, you name it. I am distracted. This episode could have been the one that garnered Sam Heughan his Emmy and Golden Globe nominations. It could have been the climactic performance of his career. I would never have noticed or appreciated any of it because of the situation that was going on on top of his head for the entire episode. Episode 4 was the gold medal of hair distractions. Aside from my ire about another scene that will become evident in short order, this…

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